A very concise booklet for junior doctors, specialists and general practioners containing brief, dot-point suggestions for symptom relief. Based on the 2014 Isle of Wight Symptom Relief Guidelines by Dr Graham Grove and Dr Paul Howard, this booklet is adapted for the Australian context by the Gold Coast Specialist Palliative Care team.
It contains details about the following:
- Medications useful in the last few hours of life;
- Using continuous subcutaneous infusions;
- Using opioids and treating pain;
- Treating respiratory, gastrointestinal, neurological, dermatological and systemic symptoms in palliative patients;
- Treating acute complications of cancer;
- Information on prognostication;
- Details on specialised palliative medicine treatment including methadone, lidocaine, ketamine and phenobarbirtone
- And the Gold Coast Specialist Palliative Care team's contact details